Family Solution Inc is a non-profit organization, whose focus is providing cultural wealth and mental health solutions through cultural specific th​erapy.
Sankofa: One must return to the past in order to move forward
Guiding Princi​ples
The motivational factor imbedded in Family Solution Inc’s development and mission statement is found in the ancient African principles of the human perfectibility: The cardinal virtues of MAAT.
The Ten Virtues
I will control my thoughts
I will control my actions
I have devotion to purpose
I will have faith in the ability of our teachers to teach, the truth
I will have faith in my ability to assimilate truth
I will have faith in my ability to wield the truth
I will be free from resentment under the experience of persecution
I will be free from resentment under the experience of wrongdoing
I will cultivate the ability to distinguish right from wrong
I will cultivate the ability to distinguish the real from the unreal